
【Echo Tech】 Ultrasonic cutter reaction by student from Indonesia!

Seperti yang kami tulis blog beberapa hari yang lalu tentang kunjungan ke universitas Toyohashi untuk video reaksi film, kami mengunggah film pertama di You Tube hari ini.

As we wrote blog few days ago about visit to Toyohashi university to film reaction video, we uploaded first film on You Tube today.

Blog- Dikunjungi ke universitas Toyohashi untuk syuting)
【Echo Tech】 Memiliki kerjasama syuting pemotong ultrasonik dari siswa asing! | Echo Tech

Blog- Visited to Toyohashi university for filming)
【Echo Tech】 Had cooperation of filming ultrasonic cutter from foreign students! | Echo Tech

Mahasiswa dalam video, dia berasal dari Indonesia.
Dia tidak pernah mencoba atau mendengar “Pemotong Ultrasonik” sebelumnya dan kami memiliki reaksi segar dalam berbicara bahasa Indonesia di kamera kami. Kami mengambil 2 film, menggunakan model pemotong ultrasonik ZO-91 dan ZO-95, silakan akses ke saluran You Tube kami dan periksa keduanya! Kami akan terus mengunggah film reaksi mahasiswa asing itu dalam hal ini dan minggu depan.

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau komentar, silakan kirim pesan Anda kepada kami di sini.


The student on video, he is from Indonesia.
He never tried or hear “Ultrasonic cutter” before and we had his fresh reaction within speaking Indonesian on our camera. We took 2 films, his using ultrasonic cutter model ZO-91 and ZO-95, please access to our You Tube channel and have check both! We will keep upload those foreign student’s reaction films in this and next week.

If you have any questions or comments, please send us your message here.


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