Hello from Echotech by new staff and about “Ultrasonic cutter”
My name is Daisuke Yanagimoto!
From today, I will take charge of Echotech oversea blog.
I will try keep post Japanese interesting news and informations about “Ultrasonic Cutter” from this blog, wishing you guys will check it!

At very first of this time, I will introduce our main product, “Ultrasonic cutter”.
Ultrasonic cutter is the cutter, cutting work materials with “Blade”+”Oscillation”+”Friction heat”.
Please have check this video that ultrasonic cutter is “cutting plastic like butter” with those three powers.
In our channel, you will find some other videos, cutting more materials.
Please ask me everything if you had any questions here.
(Mail address) yanagimoto@echotech.co.jp
See you in next time!
Daisuke Yanagimoto
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