【Echo Tech】 Replacement blades are small and easily disappear..
Last week, my PC get broke.
To inspect cause, I moved desktop from my desk and found Welding bar ZH54 were hiding under PC.
Welding bar ZH54
Replacement blades easily goes somewhere!
Because of its small body, once your arm hit to blades unconsciously, it easily goes somewhere and it might be hard to found again.
To keep replacement blades safely, we are selling “parts box”.
12 of small cases has set in this parts box. User could separately keep replacement blades in each small cases. It will be easier to distinguish by putting seal on each small cases that written contained replacement blades name.
Keep away blades from child.
Blades are small and easily goes everywhere.
Child might accidentally put in their mouth while you are not looking, so please keep blades in case and put somewhere that child could not take.
If you have any questions or comments, please make contact us here!