【Echo Tech】 Ultrasonic cutter ZO series video, uploaded by Kino Kousaka.
Kino Kousaka, who is Japanese famous plastic model YouTuber came to our company, and filmed video of ultrasonic cutter ZO series!
(Videos are filmed and edited with Japanese language. Please play video with using translation function.)
(YouTube) ↓↓↓Video Link↓↓↓
超音波カッター4種比較で徹底解説!エコーテックさんに聞きに行ってきました – YouTube
On this video, Kino Kousaka and our domestic sales manager, Kouki Miura are discussing about features of each ultrasonic cutter models. There are 4 types of Japanese use ultrasonic cutter models, and consumers are use to consider that which model is most matching to their work. You could know well each model’s function and solve that consideration in this video.
Kino Kousaka also filmed another ultrasonic cutter ZO series video.
(YouTube) ↓↓↓Video Link↓↓↓
プラスチックがバターのように切れる!魔法のアイテム「超音波カッター」で切ってみたら… – YouTube
She tries each ultrasonic cutter models in this video with talking feedbacks.
You could check how do ultrasonic cutter works.
Please follow her channel!
香坂きのと模型人ーもけんちゅーTV – YouTube
If you have any questions or comments, please send us message here!