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【Echo Tech】 Wall of making new catalog for oversea..

We are now planning to make ultrasonic cutter’s new Chinese catalog.
We used to have, but because it needed rectify and make new version every time when we release new product, we postponed for making new version.


Catalog is an “entrance of interest”.

Major companies which are issuing each foreign countries catalogs are commonly commissions to agent specialized to translation. We are doing same way for product manual, but because it costs higher by keep ordering periodically for catalog or others, we are making by ourselves. At that time, we ask for help to person who came from that countries. First we make catalog referring to Japanese ver., and let oversea helpers to check if there are wrong on grammar or words. Also, we check whether the design and information are fitting to each countries. This is another reason why we don’t offer to translation agent.

“Why do people take catalog on their hand?”

the answer of this question, we think
because they attracted to catalogs design.

Most of this blogs reader might think it’s wrong, and might think that peoples take catalog because they are interested on product.
However, people could not touch products on catalog, and sometimes they take catalog which they don’t used to be interest. In that case, people unconsciously noticed that they need product, attracted by design and words they saw on catalog. We are thinking peoples perspective of that feeling is different in each countries, we don’t perfectly make same design with Japanese version. except product manual.

Looking for oversea helpers.

If you read this blog and feel interest for helping our catalog making, please make contact us.
We send you our job request and if you accept it, we will offer you.

We have only English and France(translated by Oupsmodel) version, and looking for Chinese helper now. If you are from other countries, we might offer you other job.
Don’t hesitate for mail us!

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