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Cut and Processing on the embroidery with Ultrasonic Cutter.


Everyday we have many inquiry of Ultrasonic Cutter, whether it’s applicable for requested material… feels demand of Ultrasonic Cutter is increasing and there are still markets existing which needs our Ultrasonic Cutter.

This time, we had message from customer, who wants to cut embroidery.

She send us the embroidery, and it was composition of leather, felt, and cloth. She told us this embroidery is used for accessory, and she was looking for a tool that able to do processing cleanly.
Each materials are able to cut, but how will it goes with composite material?

Cutting test

We start cutting test with ZO-95, High-mode.

Contrary to our expectation, blade doesn’t cut into the cloth.
Cloth get burn and we felt the power was not applying straightly to the material.

We test with Standard blade(HA04) and Thin blade(ZH14), but either blades could not cut.

Next, we test with ZO-30PLA(Japanese specified model).


The power is lower than ZO-80 model, and the driving method is different.
ZO-30 activates within level(max) power start to finish, so it could cut easier the soft material such as cloth. ZO-95 and ZO-91 models power enhances by applying power to each handpiece, and because it’s hard for soft material that power won’t applies straightly, we expect that ZO-30PLA will works.

As we expected, blade cut into the cloth cleanly, and because it’s low power, cloth doesn’t get burn.

This time, Thin blade(ZH14) was no problem for just “cutting”, but the blade got bend and cut oblique. We recommended to customer a ZO-30PLA with Standard blade(HA04).

This result was surprise for us, that there are processing, which low power is proper.
When you cut soft material, we recommend you try all modes and be sure which power is proper.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

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