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Is it dangerous to atomize HClO(Hypochlorous acid water)?


As we write on the blog previously, HClO has been used for long time as flu and the other viruses sterilization, and now, peoples have to decide by themselves using HClO due to some institutions are discouraging. 

2020.06.03 upload ~Do the HClO(Hypochlorous acid water) effects to Corona virus?~

Institutions and universities are now researching whether HClO effects to COVID-19, and in this June, they admitted that HClO higher than 35 ppm is effective.


According to Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, wipe things with HClO wetted towel, or sterilize your hand with HClO is proper way to use HClO.

            (Hand washing)                           (Table washing)

アルコール消毒剤を使う人のイラスト(男性) 机を拭く女性のイラスト(掃除)

However, they are still not admitting HClO “Atomizing” for sterilization, because there are risk of affecting human body by inhaling sprayed particle. This news leads contention between manufacturer of HClO and them, that enterprises receive this news that their business has been denied. Though ministry agreed the effect of HClO, until they don’t admit the atomization, people may still mind for using HClO, concern for affection risk.

Have long experience of Atomizing HClO.

HClO has been developed more than 20 years ago, and we have sold our Ultrasonic Atomizer along. We have sold about 10,000 units in 20 years, and never heard user get feels bad by atomizing HClO. If it to spraying HClO is not allowed, what about other “Spray products”? Are those liquids such as repellant, deodorizer, aroma are safety for inhaling? We could not define before doing test of inhalation exposure, but because they don’t face to those health hazard problem, they could keep selling. Same as those products, we never had complaint from users, we would like you to feel secure for atomizing HClO.

Do not be swayed by all news, if you are still concerning for atomizing, we are always here to answer your questions. Please feel free to make contact us address below.

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