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Demand of Plastic processing in Europe.


We are every day looking for prospective oversea distributors on network, who wants to handle our Ultrasonic Cutter. We are now focusing on Europe, and found there are many companies doing business of plastic processing, especially at Germany and Italy (Searched on Google map).



Germany has a high industrial technology, keep improving their quality from early ages. German peoples are developing many world leading products of several industrial markets, we could say Germany is one of a biggest country that moving a world.ソース画像を表示

In Italy, there are some quite famous car and model manufacturer located, workers are use to processing plastic components. In my image, Italian products design is very artistic and each parts of products are made elaborately.



We would like to promote all those companies our Ultrasonic Cutter, and facilitate theirs work. Our Ultrasonic Cutter could cut plastic like butter, and definitely step up your work level.

However, last year, council of the EU adopted a “ban on single-use plastics”, which means plastic used in Europe will be reduce year after year. In France, they voted to use away with all single-use plastics within 2040. We anticipate that the demand of “Plastic processing” will be decline, and other materials such as wood, acryl, resin, will be use as a substitute for plastic.


Ultrasonic Cutter also applied for those hard materials. We know many workers are having difficulty of processing hard materials, we are glad if we could help you. Ultrasonic Cutter is not just for cutting, it could also weld vinyl, and polish metal. We promise it definitely solves your problem and changes your work style.


Please make contact us, if you have questions or want Ultrasonic Cutter catalogue.


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