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Detects flooding and get inform of emergency with “Ultrasonic technology”.


When it rains, the river get concerned of flooding. At then, did you know “Ultrasonic Technology” is used for detecting flood and informing of emergency?
Let’s see how do the Ultrasonic technology is used for that “Water level indicator”.


Mechanism of flood detection with Ultrasonic

The mechanism of detecting flood is same as Ultrasonic fish finder.
Water level indicator is use to equipped on a bridge, like you see on the picture below.

The device continuously emitting Ultrasonic to the ground, and receive which reflects back. Indicator measures the height of river, computing its time.

Device’s system has been made catching all reflected Ultrasonic, even it hit to angled objects.
The secret is in the shape of emission sensor. It shapes conic, and emits Ultrasonic radially. By emitting radially, Ultrasonic reflects back straightly to the device corresponded to any of angled object.

Type of Water level indicator system

1. Normal Detection type

Water level indicator detects flood and inform by email.

2. Security Camera type

Could observe the river from security camera and the device inform emergency by email.

3. Management soft type

Could observe the river from security camera and the device inform emergency by email.
Also, it able to check detail information from software.

4. Rotating lamp type

Could observe the river from security camera and the device inform emergency by email and rotating lamp equipped close to device.
Also, it able to check detail information from software.

At the end

Ultrasonic Technologies are used at many places to make comfortable our lives.
Ultrasonic is very simple and it also complexed, but its utility expands from just one idea, that is has limitless possibility.
We may upload the blog about other instrument, installed Ultrasonic technology soon.
Please have keep check it, and let’s find Ultrasonic product’s hiding around you.

If you have any questions or comments, please send your message here.

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