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Happy new year from Echo Tech Japan!!

Happy new year!!

Hope all of you had nice year, and will be grateful for this year.

How was the year “2020” for you?


Telling our feeling in just one word, it was an age of “violent”.

Through whole of the world affected by COVID-19, it possibly could say that is biggest key word in 2020. Companies or private industrials which relates to restaurant, hotel, amusement had big damage, but on the other hand, there are some industries which gained much profit. Our companies gross sales increased drastically than previous years, that our Ultrasonic Cutter and Ultrasonic Atomizer have sold within big quantity through year. We felt that wave of product’s demand suddenly comes to the hand, and suddenly vanish depends on age’s flow. There are no insurance of getting next same success, and it’s so hard to anticipate the future. What we should do now, is to not move for own profit, but move for people who are facing to difficulty. We will keep sell our product for people who really needs it.

Then, what do you see in 2021?

In my opinion, world COVID-19 pandemic will be continue until next 2~3 years. (This is my private opinion)
It says that vaccine has developed in America and it has already administrated to some of patients. Some of media are reporting it has side effect, but there are actually some peoples recovered from disease. Anyway, it seems it takes time that vaccine influx to whole of the world. Who could guess, number of infected people increases from a year ago, even though each country strict all transportation and going outside.

What we know now,

COVID-19’s infectious capacity is higher than flu.
→ Flu infected person is lesser than previous years, but COVID-19 infected person is still increasing. There are possibility of people infects to COVID-19 by aerial infection.

Even if youth infected to COVID-19, there are cases they don’t get any symptom, but it’s fatal disease for elderly.
→ It’s hard to ascertain whether people are infected or not. Elderlies who walks outside hardly avoid from contacting infected people.

Even though we had restriction for decreasing infection rate, it’s certainly getting higher than before. What is the correct countermeasure? How long will it take becoming normal?
Please do not feel secure yourself. We are still at middle of pandemic, and it may be more big problem in near future. There are some things you could do now for lessen infection possibility.
Hand washing, wearing mask, and air sterilization, that is our Ultrasonic Atomizer.

Ultrasonic Atomizer

                    JM-200                                       JM-301                                JM-1000


It could atomize Hypochlorous acid solution(HClO), that is effective for flu, norovirus, and coronavirus. We have sold to hospital, school, office, institution, and other places where people gather.

To prepare for new year, we suggest you to get our Ultrasonic Atomizer for sterilize around you!

Please make contact us here, if you are interested with our product. We could send you catalog and other information.↓↓


Wishing 2021 will be a nice year for you!!!

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