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HClO atomization in tour bus, administered by JBR group in Japan.


This month, one of our distributor “Kyushu Tourist Hotel Network(Kyushu Kanko)” which is handling our Ultrasonic Atomizer established new organization “JBR group” composites by 44 tour bus companies. They remodel Ultrasonic Atomizer for using in bus, and they installed to about 3,000 of tour buses as sterilization so far.



(Set Ultrasonic Atomizer JM-200 in bus)


The demand of sterilization is increasing due to condition of COVID-19. Bus is one of the place where people gather and have high risk of infection. To get rid of tourists anxiety and let them enjoy a tour, 44 of tour bus companies gathered and become one team. They are using our product, Ultrasonic Atomizer JM-200 to atomize HClO. HClO is proved that it is effective for COVID-19 by handwashing, but it’s still not recommended for atomizing, due to concern of body affection. However, JBR group director, Mr. Matsuse has commented in interview that they have been atomized HClO for decade to 2 millions of customers at offices, cars, and buses, but they never met people who felt bad by inhaling HClO. HClO was used for sterilization of flu and norovirus for about 20 years a before, we wonder why the people who against particularly in this timing.



When the Winter comes, the disease infectors will drastically increase and the demand of sterilization will increase proportionally. Many of bus companies are thinking of atomizing HClO inside the bus. If you need Ultrasonic Atomizer, we recommend you to get now, before we have stocks here.

~Ultrasonic Atomizer~








※Ultrasonic Atomizer is made for using in Japan. If you would like to export us to oversea, please make contact us.


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