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Marked biggest world gross number of daily infected cases in 16th, Oct.


In 16th, Oct, it marked a day, most COVID-19 infectors are found in just a single day.
In this day, more than 400,000 infectors has found at entire of world, this number shows that we are already plunged into secondary wave of COVID-19.


The number of infectors is increasing especially at Europe countries.
In Belgium and Italy, more than 10,000 infectors has been found in same day, and those countries and Austria, Netherlands, Czech, Poland has marked biggest number of infection cases in each countries.

As we uploaded in last blog, entering to winter season, the virus will be active and people get easier to infect. The summer has ended, we should reconsider for virus prevention, now again.

Please read our last blog, how should we prepare for prevention of infect.

Prepare for next COVID-19 and flu, norovirus season.

Through this COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned many things, how economic will change, how do people moves, what will happen when transportations are restricted, at emergency circumstance.
..and now, we are learning that “how people easily forgets their group habit”.


At the beginning of this pandemic, we noticed that Corona is easily expanding the infection area, and it’s dangerous when you infected. We learned importance of washing hands, wearing masks, and the other behavior for sterilize, it all becomes our habit. However, when we entered to summer, people’s attention of viruses get declined, and now some of peoples are not doing doing anything for prevention. Since the restrictions of going outside, and transportations are loosened, people feels that our ordinal daily lives are back from pandemic. Also, because this “made habit has indicated to all people”, each peoples conscious rate of prevention behavior was basically low, and that leads this drastic decrease of consciousness.

We should aware that we have to make prevention of virus for other peoples, but not only for yourself.

Think that, when you get infected, you may spread to many of peoples, even your related person.
Let’s move immediately to save your neighbor, and overcome this pandemic.

Please send us your message, if you have any questions or comments.

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