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New Ultrasonic Cutter market in frontier countries?


Recently, I have heard from my senior sales director, “If there are people living, we are able to make market”. We were always looking for new market where “the field is matching to our demand” so far, this word strongly impacts us that it removes our self restriction of market development.



Our Ultrasonic Cutter is a “Tool”. Every people uses something tool, and they decide for purchasing, thinking of specification and cost. This means, people will not buy a product when they could not think the cases that they use. Our sales job is to give solution for customer’s demand, or to tell them a case of using. The demand’s are hiding everywhere and it is able to make market in those places by showing the answer, “what could customer could do with your product”.


This month, we cooperated with one of Japanese company. They are supplying industrial products to world widely, and now they started handling our Ultrasonic Cutter. We were focusing to expand our market to Europe and China, but since they already had partner in India, Indonesia, and Egypt, they first started to make promotion to those countries.



We were concerned at the beginning, “are there customers who needs our Ultrasonic Cutter?”. We searched on internet about those regions, and figured other companies Ultrasonic Cutter has been already distributed. According to our partner in those countries says it’s not standardize yet, but it will soon. Definitely, there are market, and nowhere companies has occupied the market yet, it means we have chance to sell many units in those regions.

We are challenging to expand market at any countries, please make contact us if you are interested with our business.

・Ultrasonic Cutter ~Cut plastic like butter~



(Acryl cut)


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