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New workers comes to first day of work!


In the April 1st, two of new workers had been introduce by Honda Electronics.

Two young men, speeches about thierselves, and goal in the presence of other workers.

I remind about myself, when I was freshman worker. Struggling to doing work all days, it was not easy way I had walk passed until today, I feel big thing that I have experienced and achieved by working in company.

Many of young men stepped up to business man in this season.

I tell to new workers my 3 things that is important for working.

  1. Keep study.

There is no end for studying. To “study” is not “work”, it is to keep think and expand your knowledge of your work. Keep brush up yourself, that will makes you feeling work so fun.

2. Have relax.

Most of businessman face to many of difficulties, feels stress by working. You may think you want to quit a job once, but at then, please have relax. It’s not bad thing to take a rest, if you could refresh re-start work better than before, that is good way of using time than keep working.

3. Be respectful for all person.

All businesses are build on personal credit, and once you lose trust from your customer, it’s hard to take back. Keep respect person, so you will not be rude to anyone and reduce mistakes.


In addition, please help the person when you find people who gets in trouble.

Company is a group, need to support each other. To keep good relation between workers will brings good works and big profit.

Also, good thing you did, will turns back to you someday.

Wishing all new workers will get something precious by working.

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