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Participated to INTERPHEX JAPAN 2020 held at Makuhari Messe, Japan!


We have participated to INTERPHEX JAPAN 2020, held at Makuhari Messe, located in Chiba, Japan.

Website: INTERPHEX Week Tokyo – Pharmaceutical/Cosmetics R&D and Manufacturing Expo

It is a biggest medical and cosmetic exhibition held in Japan. Many companies are displaying latest technical machines, sanitation goods, and some other innovative contemporary goods.

This is our booth, exhibited by InLabTech Japan LLC. They exhibit to this fair every year, and for this time, we and Tech Jam Co., Ltd. visited to support them explaining our Ultrasonic Atomizer and other products for visitors.

InLabTech is a company, handling hypochlorous acid water which is well known as sterilization(upper than 35 ppm) effective for COVID-19.
They carried out an “Antibody test” in their booth, that visitors could know whether they have antibody against COVID-19 with just paying JPY2,000.
This test could take in hospital with approx. JPY5,000. Many peoples came to our booth to have antibody inspection, and have checked our products.
However, according to InLabTech staff, the number of visitors are declining to about 50% compared from previous fairs, because of corona pandemic.

As you could see Ultrasonic Atomizer displayed in back on picture, we have demonstrated JM series.

                     JM200                                       JM-301                                   JM-1000


Under this corona pandemic, most of our booth visitors asked for effect of atomized hypochlorous acid water.

・Is it safety for human body?
A. We have done safety test of atomizing our specified HClO, and checked it has no affection to people even if they touched or inhaled. We have been sold HClO and Ultrasonic Atomizer for over 20 years, and never heard that user felt bad. (insect repellant is more dangerous to spray, we think…)

・What’s different from alcohol?
A. HClO has 2 ways of purifying, and it is electrolysis and mixing. Our handled HClO is mixed purified water, dilute hydrochloric acid, and sodium hypochlorite. The sterilizing speed is faster, and more easier, safety to handling than alcohol.

・For what purpose do the Ultrasonic Atomizer mainly used for?
We mainly have order from hospital and nursery facilities. They atomizes HClO at their building for sterilization, setting on each rooms, elevator hall, or lavatory.
Sometimes we have order from university or institution, that they use Atomizer for their experiment.

・What liquid do the Ultrasonic Atomizer corresponded to?
We officially admit a liquid, tap water purified in Japan, or HClO which we are selling.
If you want to atomize some other liquids, please let us know at first. After we talked, we would sell you under the term testing atomization by yourself.

・How much size of space could Ultrasonic Atomizer cover for?
JM-200=approx. 9.3~12.4 ㎡
JM-301=approx. 18.6~31 ㎡
JM-1000=approx. 93~124 ㎡

・We heard it’s not good to atomize hypochlorous acid water on media.
Ministry of health, labor and welfare in Japan, they were against for atomizing at first, but in June this year, they admitted that HClO is effective for coronavirus, only for spray on hand, or wiping with cloth. They are not recommend for atomizing HClO, we could only say to customer, to decide by themselves. However, as we mentioned in earlier, we never heard that people got harm from Ultrasonic Atomizer. We cannot understand why they are not admitting HClO atomization…

People who are not specialized for those scientific things, they are confused of using HClO as sterilization. Each time we have questions from visitors and giving answer, we felt it. Exhibition is the best place to have a true answer from specialists, we hope that everyone could attend to exhibition securely as soon as possible, recovering from corona pandemic.

If you have any questions or comments, please make us contact here.

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