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Production plan messed up in end of year, accepting big orders.


How do you move, if your selling and producing plan has messed up?
Adding production plan blindly is a risky, that you may hold a big stock if that selling flow stops.

Many orders in end of year… should company add unit production?

Our ultrasonic cutter has been sold within big quantity in this end of year, and our stock will be run out soon. Based on this circumstance, we had to add more units production in next years production plan.

(We are all assembling by hand made)

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For popular ultrasonic cutter model, we used to produce about 240 units twice in month. This time, we discussed with co-workers and decided to make earlier the production plan for half of month. Bring future surplus stock in January, and not changing annual quantity of production. We learned from last fail that we manufactured ultrasonic atomizer too much and holding stocks now, and change our mind of making producing plan.

Also, we are now thinking that, even if the stock get shortage, we don’t have to move urgently for producing products.
We know demands from customer will not disappear from market, and to completely adjust company on market flow may lower the company brands value.
The company should be lead a market, not customer.

Use distributor.

When the stock get shortage, it’s a timing for use distributors fully. We are thinking it’s important to PR and increase our products user, much more than selling by ourselves to get big profit. Even if you don’t have a stock, there are may be some stocks remaining in market.


Think change of year sales, and adjust a plan little by little.

Same year will not come again. When you make a plan, you should not refer to old years. Keep foresee a market circumstance and trend, and need to change your movement.
Do not only adjust to market, but making trend yourself.

If you have any questions or comments, please send us message here.

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