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Psychologic test result implies your best work style?


Today, we called Ms. Tsuchiya the teacher of Psychology to our head office. Before she came to our office, me and my senior co-worker have taken psychologic test and had result that which type of talent do we have, ranked 34 of categories. She inspects the result, and give advice, what should we do to improve our work.



Taking through that counselling, we could know more about ourselves. Before this counselling, I was thinking I’m not aggressive for having communication with people, but in test result, it shows I’m talented in that type. This implies I’m better to move as group. Oppositely, my senior co-worker has talent in “Learn”. This implies he has a characteristic, that like to move or make decision by himself rather than group. We knew that we have different type of talent and we could cover each other’s weak point.



To step up your work style, will you improve your strong point or covers weak point?

Ms. Tsuchiya said, most better way is to improve your strong point which you don’t realize yourself.

University of Nebraska tested to 2 peoples fast reading who never did before and measure a time. One person(not talented) reads 90 words, and another person(talented) 250 words in a minute. They have trained from same teacher and did fast reading test again. Then first person(not talented) reads 90 → 150 words, and next person(talented) reads 250 → 2900 words within a minute. This shows when people improves their strong point, they will get big return rather than covering their weak point.

Have you ever experienced you heard your good point from people, but you didn’t notice?

Those points are your hided talent which better to improve.


Ms. Tsuchiya also told us, “talent will be your strong point, when you use for other peoples”. This means talent is not existing, using only for yourself. Cover peoples weak point each other, that is the best style of a team. Talents are able to multiply, if you want to cover your weak point, use your those talents for improve.

There are no best talent corresponded to all each occupation, believe yourself and let’s start improve your work style.


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