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【Echo Tech】 -Entry No.14- Seifu Gakuen (Modeling and animation club) “Sunset on Bentenjima”

⛩Youth modeling contest Toyohashi 2024☀

Award of Sorakana Hobby
Award of Best Teamwork

-Entry No.14-
Seifu Gakuen (Modeling and animation club)
Team name: Seifu Gakuen Model group of Model Animation Club
Model name: Sunset on Bentenjima

This team expressed a “speed of youth” for school students. ‍‍
The time that able to see a sunset through torii gate in Bentenjima (Hamamatsu, Shizuoka) is very limited. Peoples see this beautiful moment will be captivated and forget about time passing. ⌛ Same as the speed of sunsetting, student life and youth age which seems to be long and glorious passes very fast.
According to this team member, they made this model with having feel of cherishing their youth time, in their mind.
The LED on sunset glows in dark room, realizes a real beautiful sunset.

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